At Ancient Tallow, we cater to those mindful of their well-being, and welcome anyone ready to say goodbye to toxic skincare products. Our formulas steer clear of artificial scents, hormone disrupting chemicals, and parabens, among others. We provide simple and effective skincare products using ancestral traditions.

Our nourishing tallow balms are made with clean, wholesome ingredients and are safe for the whole family, including babies to mature skin. Our key ingredients include 100% grass-fed and grass-finished organic tallow, whole plant infusions, and therapeutic essential oil blends. Ancient Tallow balms are all gentle, and we even have an extra gentle tallow balm for those with mild to severe skin conditions.

Our mission is to produce wholesome tallow products made with only clean, organic ingredients, providing you with 100% natural options for healthy nourished skin. Feel and see the difference when you nourish your skin the ancestral way. Make the switch to Ancient Tallow, your skin will thank you.


My name is Eruch Hedendal, the creator and passionate soul behind Ancient Tallow. My journey into crafting therapeutic tallow products began with a diverse background in sales, combined with a lifelong connection to the world of health and wellness. Growing up, my father, a chiropractor, and my mother, a massage therapist, instilled in me a deep appreciation for holistic well-being and the healing power of nature’s ingredients.

My love for creating extends beyond skincare. I’ve always been an avid cook, and I’ve spent many years in the hospitality industry, front and back of the house, where I learned the art of blending flavors and crafting customer experiences. These skills have translated seamlessly into my skincare creations, where every product is thoughtfully crafted with a touch of culinary artistry.

Feel free to explore my shop and reach out with any questions you may have. I’m here to help you on your tallow journey and your path to healthy and happy skin.

With love and gratitude,

Eruch Hedendal